
Hello! I’m Carley, a holistic nutritionist + herbalist

. I Help Women Reduce Anxiety & Find Balance Using Nature, Mindset and Nutrition.

Magnesium for Mental & HormonAl Health

Magnesium for Mental & HormonAl Health

Disclosure: I have participated in a paid partnership with New Roots Herbal. Opinions in this post are my own.

Magnesium is an essential mineral that plays a crucial role in over 300 biochemical reactions of the human body. This mineral is incredibly important in supporting both our mental and hormonal health. Magnesium is an essential mineral that plays a crucial role in over 300 biochemical reactions of the human body. This mineral is incredibly important in supporting both our mental and hormonal health. However, 1 in 3 Canadians don’t get enough magnesium.

In fact, It has been estimated that up to 70% of North Americans are magnesium-deficient.

Magnesium works on many levels to help to bring your body system into balance. Here are a few examples of why we need more of this mineral.

Benefits of Magnesium

Magnesium lowers blood sugar – Magnesium effectively sensitizes insulin receptors resulting in improved control of insulin and fewer sugar cravings.

• Magnesium reduces stress and improves relaxation – by supporting the HPA Axis (adrenal stress response). This mineral relaxes the nervous system and reduces excess cortisol production. It also prevents uptake of cortisol into the brain and is needed to activate calming receptor (gaba) in the brain.

•Magnesium supports quality sleep – Optimal sleep is crucial for mental and hormonal health. Melatonin has been measured to increase after supplementation of magnesium. This is important because melatonin is a naturally produced hormone in our brain that helps us sleep at night

•Magnesium supports optimal thyroid function- There is a direct correlation between magnesium levels and thyroid health. magnesium is also important for Vitamin D's important functions, including supporting the thyroid. According to Women’s Health and hormone expert Dr.Aviva Romm

•Magnesium fuels healthy mitochondria- This is important for hormonal health because steroid hormones are made in the mitochondria

Signs you might be deficient:

  • • Fatigue

    • Muscle Cramps

    • Mental Health Conditions

    • Irregular Heartbeat

    • Osteoporosis

    • Frequently Constipated

    • Having Trouble Falling Asleep

    • Chocolate Cravings

    • Headaches

Why you might be deficient

•Diet; modern farming techniques that have depleted magnesium levels in the topsoil and, therefore, the food we eat. Food processing, such as refining grains, lower magnesium content substantially – another important reason to avoid processed, packaged foods.

•Lifestyle; pregnancy, constant state of stress, lactation, strenuous exercise, regular high alcohol intake

•Body composition; malabsorption.

•Medication; drugs such as diuretics (loop and thiazide), proton pump inhibitors, tacrolimus, chemotherapeutic agents such as cisplatin, ciclosporin, cetuximab and somephosphate-based drugs

How to ensure you are getting enough

Food Sources of Magnesium

leafy greens (spinach, swiss chard, beet greens) avocado, almonds, dark chocolate, cacao, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, lima beans, oats, quinoa, tofu, edamame, cashews, brown rice, black beans, oily fish (mackerel, salmon)

Magnesium Supplement.

Because of how common deficiency is, many Canadians turn to a magnesium supplement. My favorite is New Roots Herbal’s Magnesium Bisglycinate Plus. It delivers magnesium as an amino-acid chelate to maximize intestinal absorption and reduce upset stomach. This form of magnesium has an affinity for nervous tissue, is highly absorbable and is very well tolerated. It has the least laxative effect of all forms of magnesium.

The chelated form (bound to two glycine molecules) of magnesium in New Roots Herbal’s Magnesium Bisglycinate Plus has proven to be the most bioavailable form of this micronutrient, with rates of absorption in excess of 200% higher than other forms such as magnesium chlorid.

Where you can find it

Find New Roots Herbal’s at your nearest health/wellness store








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